MSRB is a non-profit corporation governed by a Board of Directors or Executive Committee comprised of nine members elected from Member Companies. The management of the Bureau is responsible to the Executive Committee.
Each insurance company licensed to write Fire and Allied Lines Insurance in the state is required to be a member of the Bureau. There are approximately 639 Member Companies. The Bureau is supported through an annual assessment of its Member Companies based on the premiums written in the state. No Local, State or Federal funds are used for the operation of the Bureau.
MSRB was established on April 9, 1924, when Senate Bill No.126 was enacted into law. The basic functions of the Bureau have remained constant. House Bill No.1000, effective January 1, 1988, made the auditing of policies on an optional basis.
MSRB consists of the Rating, Public Protection, Audit and Accounting Departments. Additionally, the Bureau is charged with the operations of the Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association and the Mississippi Residential Property Insurance Underwriting Association.
General Functions
Rating Department
Establish equitable property insurance advisory loss costs by on-site surveys and in-office procedures. |
Review plans and specifications for property owners with the recommendations to obtain minimum advisory loss costs. |
Review automatic sprinkler plans to assure property owners of a standard installation for adequate fire protection. |
Actuarial work in completing Rate Level Review information and data. |
Visiting with property owners, insurance agents and company representatives for property rating and/or re-rating purposes. |
Public Protection
On-site survey of Municipalities and Fire Districts to establish or improve Public Protection classifications as a basis for determining fire insurance rates. |
Provide improvement statements to Municipalities and Fire Districts for improved public fire protection or possibly a better public fire protection classification. |
Holding and attending public and municipal meetings pertaining to public fire protection. |
Assist and witness tests of new Municipal and Fire District fire trucks. |
Advise Municipalities, Fire Districts and Engineers concerning water supplies and fire hydrant distribution. |
Administer and conduct the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule for Municipalities, Counties and other jurisdictions in Mississippi. |
Audit Department
Auditing of property insurance policies on an optional basis to determine that the construction and location are properly described, correct forms and rates are used and the premium charged is correct. |
Coding of insurance documents on an optional basis, for use in determining accurate statistical information. |
Calculation of Blanket Average Rates/Loss Costs based on submitted Statement of Values. |
Calculation of Public and Institutional Property (PIP) Average Rates/Loss Costs on submitted Statement of Values. |
Other Bureau Functions
Preparation and filing with the Mississippi Insurance Department of various coverage and rating plans and changes for Fire and Allied Lines Insurance coverage. |
Compilation, publication and distribution of various Fire and Allied Lines Insurance rates/loss costs, forms and manuals to agents, companies and their representatives. |
Advising agents, insurance companies and their representatives of changes in Public Protection Classification Gradings, extension of city limits and the creation and changes in Fire Districts. |
Overseeing and managing the operation of the : |
Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association (MWUA)
Mississippi Residential Property Insurance Underwriting Association (MRPIUA)
May We Be Of Service To You?
If you know of a way or have an idea as to how we may better serve you or improve our services as an insured, agent, or company, we certainly appreciate and welcome your input and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us. We welcome you to visit us at our office located at 6455 Wirtz Road, Flowood, Mississippi. Our office hours are 8:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., CST, Monday through Friday. |
The Bureau is a Public Service Organization and every citizen of the state should take advantage of its many services. |
The Mississippi State Rating Bureau in its neutrality position between the insurance purchasing public and the insuring companies has and will continue to provide Fire and Allied Lines Advisory Loss Costs and related services on a fair and non-discriminatory basis. |
Please contact us by the following: |
Mississippi State Rating Bureau
6455 Wirtz Road
Flowood, Mississippi 39232-7801
P O Box 5231
Jackson, Mississippi 39296-5231
Phone (601) 981-2915
Loss Costs Only (601) 981-2929
Fax (601) 981-2924
E-Mail : msrb@msratingbureau